Sunday, March 18, 2007

YAY---Finally Photos of My River Trip

Helowwww my pups.....Momma finally figured out the problem in
uploading my photos. Apparently, they were too big!
She used that fancy 'puter program to make the 50%
smaller....and they uploaded just fine! YAY.
So....without further I am at the Arkansas River.

When we first arrived...I was in awe at all
the water and stayed back a safe distance.

Once we got to the sandy beach area, I checked
things out from my perch on this big log.

Things looked fine, so I took a nice run
up and down the beach.

The waves from boats scared me at first,
and I barked and barked at them; running
up and down the edge of the water. Momma
and Sissy thought this was so funny.

I am looking at the boat in this photo.

Then, Sissy picked up a stick and threw it
in the water....and I could not resist, I ran
to get it....but it was too far out and I
did not get it.

Then, Sissy got another stick and I grabbed it
fast, before she could throw it.

Yummers, this stick is tasty; must
have fish on it.

I am thinking of getting that first stick; see
it the left hand, top corner of this pic; but
then a big fish flounced and took my attention
to the other side.

Finally, I decide to be brave, and get
that darn stick!

Here is a photo from the clover again...
I do love that clover and I am trying to
enjoy it before it gets mowed down!

Until later,



Dandy Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm glad you got the computer problems worked out! The pics were worth the wait!
I love your purple shirt!

Love ya lots,

Myeo said...

we are so glad that your smart mom managed to find the cause for the problem. if not, we wont be able to see your beatiful photos.

Boy n Baby

Ed said...

Great pics again Jasper. Not sure if you are just a great model for pics or your Momma is a great photographer. Probably both.
Keep having fun Jasper.

The Army of Four said...

Cool pix, Jasper! So... this "river" thing. Is that anything like the ocean? I'm trying to get mom to get us an ocean here in Kansas. Do you have one in Arkansas?
Play bows,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, the beach looks great fun. Brave you going in the water. That last photo of you in the clover is just adorable!

Oscar x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Yay too! so pleased you got it all sorted Jasper!

If you want to get more dogs looking in on your blog, in your profile - where you put your interests, if you separate each interest with a comma, for example,

barking, chasing rabbits, eating, barking, barking, blogging,

then each interest will be separately highlighted for any dog blogger looking in and they will be able to click on your blog - and another dog pal will be made!

ooooh hope you dont mind me telling you this, just wanted to share my limited Dog Blogging Knowledge, this is how me and Jeannie learned and are still learning! not sure if i explained it too well, but think you will understand....otherwise email me via my Blog! Happy to help!

Marv xxxxx

Suki & Joey said...

Hey Jasper,
How come you get to go to the beach and I don't? I live right by the gulf of mexico, for pete's sake! I need to have a talk with my mommy :)

You have the sweetest expression on your face in that clover picture. I can tell your family loves you a lot :)
Puggy kisses

Anonymous said...

Hey Jasper! It's great that you got your photos up finally. That one of you in the clover is the best! You look so happy! My Dad has some tips for you, so here he is...

Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).

Dad: Hey J! I wanted to ask if you Mum is using the default Windows thingy to upload your photos to your computer? If so, why not use Picasa for free? I use it to upload (from the camera) all pictures of Texas and then there are two options for uploading to your blog. You can use the "Blog this" button, which automatically resizes your photos for you AND uploads them to your blog (the simplest option) or you can export them using the "Export" button and change the resolution to something standard - I use 1024x768. Picasa is excellent for organising and retouching your photos as well as having integrated blogger features (it's by Google so it works well). Hope that helps!

Texas's Dad.

The Brat Pack said...

Great pics! You're so lucky to get to play in the water. Maybe I should come live with you.


T-man Angel said...

That clover looks so nice and soft. Can you take a nap in it?

That river trip looked like fun!


Fu Fu said...

Jasper, You look great in that purple shirt among the clovers. ;)

~ fufu

Simba and Jazzi said...

Great photo's that beach looks like a really fun place.

Simba xx

Murphey said...

Looks like you had so much fun Jasper.

Murph the Dog

Peanut said...

What nice pictures and it looks like you had a really nice time. Yeah for you for getting that stick.

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Alright Jasper!
Glad you figured out you're photo issues! Love your little face in that last picture! Was your mum telling you that it was time to go home? You look like you could stay & play at the river 4-ever!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Jasper!
Great pictures..that really was FUN huh? :)
Thank dog your Mom figured a way to upload the pictures.