Saturday, February 9, 2008

I did not get to go!

Moma and Sissy went shopping at a place far away today ....and

I did NOT get to go! I was upset.

This is what I did all day while they were gone:

This is where they went:

It is a new shopping place in Rogers, Arkansas.

And can you believe it - they did not bring anything

back for ME!?!?!

Sheesh!!! Wat iz up with dat??

Moma and Sissy got stuff for themselves at this


Next time....if they don't take me with them, they

sure better bring something back for me....but not

from that store!

Monday, February 4, 2008



Hello once again.

It has been almost a YEAR since I posted;

I can't believe how time flies!

So much has happened.

Unfortunately, we lost Jack to a bad

stomach virus.

We miss him so much.

After that, I did not feel like posting any more.

I am so sorry for just disappearing.

I hope you all can forgive me.

I have missed you all,
