Sunday, April 1, 2007

End of the weekend

Hellowwww my pups!
I hope you don't mind me letting Momma use my blog
to update about her niece. I did not mind at all, but I am
glad she is back now and focusing on US again!!! Tee hee.
Jack is starting to open up a bit, finally. He even played with
one of my toys the other night, but when me & Momma got on the
floor to play with him....he went back to his bed. So, for now....we will
let him play by himself. He also went over to the neighbor dog, Jackson
the Beagle, and interacted with him a little bit when we went on our
walkies one day. I am proud of him; he is getting better.

Jack stays in his bed a lot, but I go over to check
on him a lot.

He is a cute lil' fella though!

I like to sit on the couch above him,
to keep my eye on him.

Until next post,


Boo Casanova said...

jasper dear dear!

must show us some photos of you two playing. are you sure you didn't bully him?? just checking in case you... well... "accidentally" bully him.

wet wet licks


The Army of Four said...

You guys are looking good!
Play bows,

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Jasper, Jack looks lovely and now you both remimd me of my lovely black poodle friend Cliffy!

Mum would be delighted for you to add my blog to your blogroll...many thanks!

Loui xx

Duke said...

Jack looks like he's settling in nicely! I'm sure you're being a HUGE help to him Jasper!

Love ya lots,

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Wow Jasper!
First of all congrats on the new sibling! Looks like you are already getting Jack to comeo ut of his shell! Also, congrats on you're new hooman cousin! So much has happened in less than a week! Where have I been??

Sophie Brador said...

You're such a great brother, Jasper. He'll come out of his shell soon. Congrats on your new cousin too!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Jasper,
Jack sure looks like he's slowly settling in. :)
You are a very nice big brother!!

L said...

Wow, so much HAS happened in a week. Welcome to Jack and the new baby cousin. As for the doggies and the new baby, cute, cute, cute! Good luck with everything that is going on in your busy life right now!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey, jack has a nice bed...look so comfy n secure...n it looks like a velvet texture

Myeo said...

Give Jack some time. We are sure that he will play with you soon.

Boy n Baby

Simba and Jazzi said...

Ah look at the doogie all cosy in the bed.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, looks like he's settling in just fine. Mum must be so proud of you that you're being so gentle & patient with him.

Oscar x

wally said...

It's awesome you got a new brother! Rescue dogs rule! Do you guys sing "Ebony and Ivory" together?


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Jasper,
Sorry I have missed your mum's earlier post abt the baby. Glad that things have turned out well and hope he'll go home soon!
You are a good 'big brother' looking out for Jack huh.. I guess he deserves a loving home after all that he'd gone through...