Monday, April 23, 2007

Okay.....just so you will all Momma has been trying to post for about
4 days.... (since Monday---that is why this post has Monday's date, but this is actully being published on FRIDAY, the 27th) and blogger was not cooperating!!!
She finally got these photos uploaded and saved as "draft".
Now, hopefully, blogger will cooperate and allow it to be published. *sigh*

Some more freaky weather here. We had a tornado (that was scawwie) and
now, it is COLD again! The tornado damaged several houses in town, but no dogs
(or hoomans) were hurt.

The big news is.....I got a package from across the world!!! From Boy & Baby
in Singapore! It is a nice card and a corn cob chew toy....and as you can see
by the photo, I LOVE it!!!
Thank you Boy & Baby!!!

Here is a photo of Sissy holding Jack.

I have found a new sleeping place....the arm
of the sofa!!

Jack got a new hoodie jacket....he really
thinks he is KEWL. It is cute, huh?

Until later,


Duke said...

Aren't Boy and Baby so nice to send pressies all the way from Singapore! Love Jack's hoodie and that corn looks pretty yummy. How does it taste? Like a real corn?

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

My miniature poodle friend Jamie likes sleeping on the arm of the sofa. Or the back of it!

Jack looks a real cool dude in his hoodie!

Oscar x

Tadpole said...

Yay! So glad you're back! Blogger sometimes get mad at my girl too and doesn't let her post. Frustrating - grrr. I have that corn and I LOVE it! And Jack is totally adorable in his hoodie! Looks like he's settling in nicely :-)

Sunshade said...

Cuuuuuute!!!! Aren't you lucky, Baby n Boy are soooo nice!!

Hey, are you all ready to PAAAAW-TY??

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Myeo said...

We are so glad that you like the corn:) And Jack's hood is so cool.

Boy n Baby

Liberty Doo Dah said...

What lucky pups you are to get presents all the way from across the world!
May be if I was a cute as you guys, I could get some of those presents too!
Cute hoodie Jack!

Suki & Joey said...

Jack looks very KEWL in his hoodie, but I really like your corn on the cob. Mommy has some shopping to do, I'm getting sick of my toys :P

Puggy kisses

Luckie Girl said...

Hey - I think Jack looks very cool in his hoodie. :) Yum yum, that corn thingy looks so you wanna share?

Urban Smoothie Read said...

loves to hv ur corn chew toy...

i myself onli had a drumstick chew toy..

Boo Casanova said...

oh jasper,

WOW, jack is cute with his hootie!

wet wet licks


Fu Fu said...

Oh that's so nice of Boy n Baby to send you those gifts. :)

~ fufu

Liza said...

How fun - presents from Singapore!!

You don't look too comfy on the arm of the couch though. My human says I take up too much couch space!

Have a happy day and hope you computer things work out!!


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Aren't Boy & Baby the BEST! Great pictures Jasper:)

Hugs from Billy Boo:)

T-man Angel said...

We're glad to see you back. We were worried about you. I'm glad the tornado stayed away from your house.. brrrr.... You guys are so cute in your outfits.


Simba and Jazzi said...

The corn on the cob looks good fun to chew. Love the hoody.

Simba xx

Sharon said...

Hi Jasper and Jack, It looks like you got some fun presents. I never have the heart to throw out Snickers stuffed animals as they get old. She treats them as though they are puppies most of the time. That is, when she doesn't grab them by the ear and shake them! What a funny dog. Snickers is a very happy little dog now. Tell mom not to cry about her story. She is rescued and in a happy home. She is no longer in pain from her leg cuz it's gone. That's a good thing. She doesn't even know she only has three legs, she has such a strong spirit.
Sharon and Snickers

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Jasper,
I like the photo of your sissy and Jack! They look like they are really enjoying each other's company!
That corn looks yummy..

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Blogger exists to make our mamas so mad and then they throw the computer out of the window, then we have no blogs!

Blogger is sooooooooooo silly!

Let us blog without Blogger my Mama says!

Tale care Jasper! sorry not been in touch, Marvin xxxx

Snowy and Crystal said...

hey Kasper, glad to see a new post of yours!!! mommy is facing a similar problem with blogger. she publish our posts but it dosn'e seem to appear until after few days. For example, we just posted a new post and until now, we don't find it in our blog page :(

anyways, we LOVED all the pictures of yours and JAck !! =)

Crystal to Jack: hey you look so hot with that hoodie, Jack :p

woofs and puppy arfs,

Snowy & Crystal

Lizzy said...

Hey, you look a lot like me!


L said...

Hi ya Jasper and Jack. Love the hoodie. It is so cool on you, Jack. That corn on the cob looks delish. Care to share?


e said...

Hello boys!
We haven't been here in a while.
We have the same bbq-ed corn too. Its yummy.

Hope you're well

come visit us too!

wally said...

Hey Jasper! Hope you're not having more computer problems. Stupid computers, not nearly as reliable as us, eh?


L said...

Hope all is well on your end. Hopefully Blogger or your computer isn't acting up on you!


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Jasper, little Fu Fu Bear passed away over the weekend. It is very sad.

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Hope all is well Jasper & Jack! Just wanted to check in!

We miss you!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Jasper & Jack, what lovely gifts! Love the hoodie! J x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Jasper, just checking in to see if you were ok!

Hope the computer is behaving itself now! love and licks, Marv xxxx

Avery said...

Hi Jasper and Jack. Hope you two are doing okay. I miss you!


Myeo said...

Hey guys

Why no updates so long. We miss you.

Boy n Baby

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Where are you two???

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Jasper and Jack,
we just wanted to tell you that we tagged you to show a tummy pic of both of ya!! ;)

woofs & puppy arfs,

Snowy and Crystal

Liza said...

Hey -

Just checking in to see if you guys are okay!

Have a happy week - Dory

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Jasper...and Jack,

We miss you....please blog soon?

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi ya Jasper, just wondered if you were ok, you have been so quiet!

love and licks to you, Marvin xxxx

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey guys - just checking in to say hi and make sure you are doing okay :)


Duke said...

Where are you guys? We haven't heard from you in ages!

Love ya lots and miss ya,

Chelsea said...

Jasper and Jack


We all miss you

Chelsea the supermodel

Nessa Happens said...

That's a great present!

Tadpole said...

Jaaaaaaaaaasper!!! Jaaaaaaaaack!!! Are you guys alright?

Update if you can - I miss you!

Anonymous said...

I love to sleep on the sofa crazy ways just check out my new pic on my blog.Dont you just love new presents.

Texas's Mum said...

Hey Guys,
Where are you I'm getting worried
so please please come back.

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

(Bow)wow, nice pressies!

And that photo of you on the arm of the couch is really cute!

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Hammer said...

Hi Jasper and Jack
Where are you ? We miss you !!!
Love from Hammer