Sunday, March 11, 2007

I GOT A PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My package from Ms Linda (Butchy & Snickers Mom) arrived!!! I am not sure who was more excited, Momma or me. hehe
All the clothes are so KEWL and they fit perfectly. I got tired of trying them all on, but Momma was finally able to get some good photos with each piece. AND, Butchy & Snickers snuck a surprise gift in the package for me....a KEWL bandana.
After trying on all the clothes, Momma and Sissy took me to the Bark Park!!! YAY!!
What a fun-filled clothes AND the Bark Park. I wore one of my new shirts and so many hoomans at the park commented on it and asked where I got it. I was the best-dressed pooch at the park!

I was napping in Sissy's room...until
Momma came in with the camera
and surrounded me with the pillows.

Here I am opening my package!

OOOhhhh, what's in here!?!?!
These are all the clothes and I am wearing
the bandana.

This is the "GO OZARK" tee shirt Ms Linda
custom designed, just for me.

Here I am sporting the spiffy coat.

This is the raincoat, which will come in handy
on those rainy days when I have to go outside.

This is my Sissy's favorite; my PJ's!!!

Here is the front view of my tee-shirt.

"Come on Sissy, let's go, I am READY!"

"Momma, is Sissy coming or not!?!"

OOuuhhuuaaaa, I love my Sissy!!

Here I am with Momma, resting on the bench
at the Bark Park after running around and having
so much fun!

I am always so happy after the Bark Park.

Thank you Ms Linda, Butchy & Snickers for
the clothes and bandana! Thank you Momma
and Sissy for taking me to the Bark Park. I am
one lucky Poodle!!

Until next post, stay Kewl,


Duke said...

Woweeeee did you ever score!!!! Love all of your new clothes, especially your Indian blanket coat! Butchy and Snickers mom is so clever with her needle and thread! Hey, you're all set with your new Easter duds!

Love ya lots,

Avery said...

You are one lucky dog Jasper! You look great in your new clothes. I'm glad you're having so much fun at the dog park with your mom and Sissy.


Boo Casanova said...

wow, so many new stuff in one day. mom ordered my shirts from Butchy & Snickers' mom too. i also have a custom made rain coat.

wet wet licks


Sharon said...

Hee Hee, Jasper you are turning into a clothes horse! I think you should go into modeling. It's true I like my pink Barbie purse, but don't let it fool you. I'm a tough little dog and I live to run and play.

Sophie Brador said...

Groovy new duds! Is this the Spring line? Can't wait to see Summer and Fall. You really should be a model.

Sophie Brador said...

oops. That last post should have been from Ms. Sophina Brador.

Anonymous said...

Hey J,
We all love your new clothes - you look so stylish in them! Glad you had such a fun day.

Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, you look super cool in your new clothes.

Thanks for the good wishes re Sammy & Suzy. Sadly there is still no good news.

Oscar x

L said...

You look absolutely stunning in all of your new clothes. You are one lucky puppy. I don't think you should BE a model because you already ARE one. Keep up the good work, gorgeous.


P.S. Love the shot with the pillows and the flower. Tres Adorable!

Joe Stains said...

I love those PJs!!!

Isabella said...

Wow! I bet you are the best dressed dog in your town! I wish my Human would buy me clothes but she says it is usually too warm here for me to wear clothes.
Big Wags,

Fu Fu said...

Oh Jasper, those are really nice clothes. I love the last pic of you. You're so cute. :)

~ fufu


Hi Jasper
You certainly are lucky! Your new clothes suit you right down to your cute little feet!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and for your concern for Dixie. Her ear is healing and her fur will all grow back soon.

The Brat Pack said...

Wow Jasper, you hit the motherload!!

VERY cool clothes!!!

The Brat Pack

Simba and Jazzi said...

You'll need a bigger wardrobe. Get rid of that bed and put it there.

Simba xx

Liza said...

Excellent! Butchy and Snicker's mom made me a beautiful red and black coat. Your outfits are just lovely and make you look great!


Suki & Joey said...

You know what I love about you, Jasper? It always looks like you're smiling in every picture! Sooo cute :)

I really like your outfits. Man, everydog is getting packages lately. I'll need to start sending some out, too!
Puggy kisses xoxo

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Whoa Jasper! You're one sexy poodle!

The Army of Four said...

Great pictures, Jasper! Butchy & Snicker's mama is SO talented, isn't she?!!?
We put a couple pix up on our blog for you today! (Monday) C'mon over!
Tail wags,

wally said...

Sweet threads! You have a great grin in all your pictures, it's pretty impressive. It's amazing you wound up in rescue with such a lovely mug! Some apes don't know how good they've got it, eh?


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Wow you are quite the fashion model! How nice to get all these nice things, you are really loved:)

Hugs from Billy Boo:)

Ivy said...

hey hey jasper you kewl dog! you look so fashunable in your new clothes! i bet you were the bark of the park!

luv ivy

T-man Angel said...

Wow, a whole new wardrobe!! You will need your own closet to store all those beautiful clothes!!

I love the pic of you sleeping in the colorful pillows with the flower. Your bed is so cheerful!


Myeo said...

You look so kewl and all the clothe slooks very good!

Boy n Baby

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooooooooooooh you are so cool Jasper! You are cheering me up from my sick bed no end! Marvin xxxx

Hana said...

Wowie Zowie, looks like everydog has been getting packages in the mail lately. I got one from Casper D Dog this week!