Monday, March 19, 2007

Important Information: I Hate Cats.

Okay, there is something you need to know about me:
I hate cats.
They annoy me.
When I see one, I can't resist the urge to freakin' lose my mind!! My eyes get as big
as saucers, my fur stands on end, my nostrils flare, and I bark until I lose my voice!!
Nothing, and I do mean nothing, can stop me from barking. I do my best barking
when I see a cat.
Momma just happened to get an opportunity this weekend to snap these photos of me
barking at a stupid, orange cat that was in our back yard.
OOouhhh.....ouuuuhhh, if I had not been
leashed.....I woulda'....I woulda'....I woulda' ......well, you can imagine what I
woulda' done!

I was sitting on Momma's lap, just enjoying
the breeze blowing my fur....and then,

I immediately jumped off her lap and ran to
the end of my leash to make sure of what I
was seeing.

I had to get up on my hind legs to make sure
it was a cat.

Oh heck yeah, it IS a CAT.....the barking begins.
"Get out of here you stinkin' cat"

I was barking so fiercely that my head movements
blurred the camera!
"I said get out of here you dumb cat"

Whew....after all that barking, I had to
come inside and rest ...on my favorite
resting spot, next to Momma in the recliner.
It looks like Momma is sitting on me,
but she's not!

SEE!! haha, I am just curled right up
next to her leg!

By the way, the meanie-lawn-mower-man
cut down all my sweet clover!! Can you
believe it!?! I shoulda' barked at him!

Just look at the difference in my favorite clover now!
There is nothing left.
Meanie Mower Man!!!

Momma took this photo of me trying to hide
in the thicket near our house. Can you see me?!?
I tried to learn how to hide from Murphey
and Joe Stains. I think I need more

I just had to share this photo of my Sissy. I
think she looks like a "SuperStar"! I love
my Sissy.

Until later,


Sophie Brador said...

Jasper, You should wear sunglasses like your Sissy. It would make you ever more intimidating to those orange kitties.

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Yah...I hear you on the cat issue! I have my own named Ozma and I bark at him ALL the time! Sometimes it frustrates mum to NO end! Heehee. I like to do that on purpose!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey, nice purple suit...

i hate cats too...they r simply too annoying..

Myeo said...

Your sister looks like Victoria Beckham from the photo... Anyway, we didnt know you hate kitties. We love them. Yeah Yeah, we are forced too because sometimes Mama will foster some kittend for awhile.

And yes, sad to see the clover ended up like that.

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Jasper,
Oh noo.. your poor clovers!! They are all *gasp* gone!!
I don't like cats.. but well, I don't hate them either if they stay away from me!

Toby said...

Hi Jasper!~ I don't like cats either!~ But I'm not as brave as you. You gotta give me some tips one day!!

PS: Thanks for emailing those thieves for me. I really really really appreciate it!~ You rock!~


Avery said...

I agree with Sophie, you should get some sunglasses. You'd look very cute in them.

I am so sad that the Meanie Mower Man cut down your clover! Grrr. At least we have your photo of the month nomination to remember it by. :)

Too bad you don't like cats. You won't want to visit me if you're ever in Texas.


Fu Fu said...

Oh.. you look fierce barking. I bet you would have get the cat if you're not leashed. :) What happened to your nice clover??

~ fufu

Hammer said...

Hello Jasper

I don't know cats yet. My thing is mice and cane toads. Mum tells me she's never known an English Setter to be interested in mice and cane toads, but I am ????

Are cats that bad ??? My brother, Hobson loves everyone and he's as gentle as a lamb with cats. I don't know yet because I haven't met a cat yet.

Love from your friend, Hammer

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

My poodle friends here really hate cats too, so maybe it's a poodle thing.

What a shame all the pretty clover is gone.

Sissy lokos way cool in her shades!

Oscar x


Hi Jasper
That is a cool series of photos of you dealing with the cat issue!! We are not too sure about cats. I strain on my leash but as soon as the cat looks at me or hisses I take off in the opposite direction. Dixie is still learning about cats. I think she thinks they're small dogs and she wants to play with them.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I hate cats too Jasper, I bark frantically at them, very loudly!

You keep on barking at them!

love and licks, Marv xxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Your Sissy looks cool!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Your Sissy looks cool!joo

Suki & Joey said...

Hey there Jasper,
Aw, I'm sorry you don't like cats. They can be really fun! Well, maybe not ALL of them. I'm sure you saw my post on Marie: I like her, but I'm not too sure about the other cat that lives here. His name is Lucky and he's a big orange cat that is usually outside. He can be mean.

I love your outfits! You are always so stylin'. And yes, it does look like your mommy is sitting on you! Why does it look like that? LOL!
Puggy kisses

Boo Casanova said...


i am not so sure about cats coz i have yet to encounter one face to face yet. but those clovers... damn! it looks pretty but now... bald!

wet wet licks


Nessa Happens said...

Ha! I LIVE with cats! Three of 'em!

The Brat Pack said...

Jasper - you look SO fetching in purple. We love it!

What a tragedy to your clover!!!! :(

Love ya,
The Brat Pack

Mrs.D said...

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!!!

Dandy Duke said...

We could be twins! I lunge and give kitties a hard time too - all of them! SCAT!!!!!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said...

Hi Jasper - nice to meet you! I've never met a cat, but they SOUND pretty scary when they're getting shots at the vet...!!!

Murphey said...

Haa haaaa, those barkin' shots are funny! I could almost hear you when I looked at them, keep those cats outta your yard.

Murph the Dog

Chelsea said...


I happen to like cats but, they don't like me. I hear they can be snobby and cunning so you probably are smart to be wary.


Ed said...

Good job on the cat Jasper - but remember some humans hate cats too but we can't bark - just yell really loud.
Sorry about the clover - but I lost my last dog to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever after being bitten by a tic in high clover. So sometimes it has to be cut for your safety little man.
Say hi to your Momma and Sissy

Isabella said...

You are a good barker! I bark like that at fat old men in golf carts that drive up and down our street.

Your Sissy is very pretty!
Big Wags,

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hate cats too. One live next door and it sits on the fence hissing at me. One day I'll have that cat.

Simba xx

Liza said...

Jasper -

I am with you on the cats!! Let me at em is all I have to say.

My mom was sad about the lawn too - it looked very pretty. We can't see our grass here yet.


Joe Stains said...

Tanner hates cats now too because of what they did to him at the vet. yous sissy is CUTE!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I hate cats too. A grey cat sits on the top of my garden wall and torments me. I like to run outside and bark like a maniac at any passing cat but I think someone must have told them it's MY garden because they don't come as much anymore. J x