Friday, March 2, 2007


While on my walk with Momma yesterday.....I found this very interesting thing. Can you tell what it is?? I had fun trying to figure it out.

I saw this white thing and just had
to stop and sniff it.

HUmmmm, what IS IT?? That water
hose looks like a snake, but it did
not scare me!

Awwww, it is a baby bird egg that must have
fallen out of a tree!!! Awwww, poor, poor
baby bird.
(click pics to enlarge to see details better)
I sniffed and sniffed it....pushed it around with
my nose; but don't worry, I DID NOT try to
eat it. Poor baby bird!

After my discovery, I came back into the house
to play with my do-nut thingy. I LOVE THAT
A close up of my chewing method!

And.....a nice pose for Momma!


Dandy Duke said...

awwwwwww poor baby birdie. He didn't even have a chance at life! How sad.

Love ya lots,

Myeo said...

oh no. poor baby bird..sigh.

That donut toy looks so kewl. Very colourful indeed. Btw Jasper, have you added your adoption date with DWB?

Boy n Baby

The Army of Four said...

Poor little birdie!
You look great with that doughnut toy!
Play bows,

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

The poor little birdie Jasper! So sad:(

Is your toy a squeaky one??

Hugs from Billy Boo:)

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Knowing myself like I do, I'd of prolly tried to eat that baby bird egg! (I know, I know...). You're much kinder than me Jasper!

L said...

Hi there Jasper. I feel so sorry for that poor little birdie. My mom says that you are a fabulous looking poodle. I am part Poodle and part Shih Tzu. Your donut looks like one of my toys and it does squeak, does yours? Loved your blog.
Sweets-little big man!

Herbie said...

Oh dear, poor baby birdie~ I'm sure the mummy bird is very sad now.

Oh, the question you asked about what camera my M is using, she's using a canon EOS 20D. It's a rather old model, about 2 yrs at least.

Sophie Brador said...

If I were you, I probably would have tried to roll on the bird's egg. But then I'm not as compassionate as those with slightly bigger brains than me (i.e.: people). I basically see everything as fair game to roll on. It must be instinct but who knows why.

Boo Casanova said...


wow, sure you have lots of interesting stuff to look while on your walk. yep, that green hose looks like a snake! are u sure that's not a snake??

wet wet licks


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Oh dear, poor baby birdie. I guess it's mum wasn't being too careful.

Oscar x